Monday, February 8, 2016

I feel that within a classroom, respect is something that must be given and received.  I really enjoyed classes where I felt that mutual respect was given from teacher to student.  I also believe that my students should help create the rules for the classroom.  Basic rules, phones, talking, how they should conduct labs.  Once a teacher creates a safe relationship with their students it appears that the class runs smoother. 

I want my future classroom to look something like this, I enjoy the lab tables to have for in class activities, though I may group them into two table groups to have more group activities with the labs.  I really do enjoy how the classroom looks and how its almost interactive with all the visuals.   

For my future classroom, I hope to be teaching 8th grade science.  I feel this will be a great subject matter and a fun one to have hands on labs.  This subject covers intros for biology, geology, and some basic chemistry.  I feel it will be a great way to share my passion for science with the students and spark the fire in them to question "Why things act according to science?".